Ethics Committee

Instructions for students who will enroll at the Microbiology Postgraduate Department:

The documents for the request of permission for research to the Ethics Committee ICB/USP must be handed in at the committee’s office (Secretaria da Comissão de Pós-graduação em Microbiologia, ICB II – Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 1374 – 2nd floor – room 202 – from 8h30 to 12h00 – phone: 3091-7355). According to the project to be developed by the student, the complete documentation must be handed according to one of the options bellow BEFORE the final set deadline for enrolment. We emphasize that the enrolment will only be effective after the document is returned stamped and analyzed by the Ethics Committee (CEPSH/CEUA) and any changes in the project must be communicated to the Ethics Committee (CEPSH/CEUA). The student can start registration when beginning laboratory bench activities:

Human Beings

After uploading all the documents to Plataforma Brasil the students must hand in a copy of all the documents and the form of permission receipt to ICB II office – room 202, which will be forwarded to Kátia (secretary of the Ethics Committee ICB: 3091-7733), in order to be included in the specific meeting of the Ethics Committee of ICB.

Checklist: copy of all the requested documents: scanned cover sheet, completed project, consent form, if collecting material: TCLE, if using material already collected in another research: compliance form, authorization from the biorepository, authorized by the CEP from the Hospital and request receipt.

It is mandatory to turn in the Partial Report to the Ethics Committee after 12 months, every year, until the end of the course.


Checklist: cover sheet, consent form, request receipt, project with at least 02 (two) pages and other documents requested at CEUA webpage.

The certificate is valid for 04 (four) years, for the students whose projects end after this period, a renewal must be requested to the Ethics Committee.

Exemption Protocol

Checklist: request receipt, a detailed description of the experimental procedure of material and methods up to 02 (two) pages.

Modifications to the initial project

Any substantial modification must be formalized to the Ethics Committee.

Do not forget to bring the requested documentation filled out; a letter (addressed to the Ethics Committee) which justifies the modification in the project with the previous title and the new title; permission date and the previous registration number, signed by the supervisors involved and the student. The request receipt form is only necessary during registration.

The Ethics Committee does not accept completed copies of the projects, only the mentioned items, except CEPSH (full documents).


The students and their supervisor must handle the choice in which of the three options presented by the ICB Ethics Committee the project fits.

The student can begin registering the project for the Ethics Committee when starting the laboratory experiments, it is not necessary to wait for enrolment.